This is my senior BFA exhibition where I branded fictional tourist traps in the fictional town of Springlot, USA. These tourist traps are advertised primarily through brochures and posters, along with a promotional video and a newspaper article.
The name “Springlot” has personal significance in my family. Over a decade ago, my family moved out of our old brick house and into a new house my family was building. The piece of land that the house sat on is called Springlot Farms, in memory of my great-grandfather. The move represented a new turning point in my life and a new start, sprouting like a seed.
In order to tie the tourist traps together, the Springlot Chamber of Commerce was established.
This organization is responsible for the betterment of the community and providing support for local businesses. All businesses situated in Springlot, USA are sponsored by the Springlot Chamber of Commerce.

poster wall from above
brochure wall from above

Smash Therapy Rage Room Poster

Scamper Camp Ground Poster

Springlot Speedway Poster

Net Surf Shack Restaurant Poster

Flip Phone Museum Poster

Cappsilon Zoo Promotional Poster

Go Rock Yourself Promotional Poster

Frimer Fashion Boutique Poster

Donation Dumpster Promotional Poster

Sweet Tooth Sanitorium Candy Shop Poster

Springlot Children's Museum Poster

Busted Drums Music Fest Poster
left wall
brochure racks
right wall

Camp Brochure Inside

Gem Brochure Outside

Gem Brochure Inside

Flip Phone Museum Brochure Inside

Flip Phone Museum Brochure Outside

Chamber of Commerce Brochure Outside

Chamber of Commerce Brochure Inside

Children's Museum Brochure Outside

Children's Museum Brochure Inside

Music Fest Brochure Outside

Music Fest Brochure Inside

Thrift Store Brochure Outside

Thrift Shop Brochure Inside

Boutique Brochure Outside

Boutique Brochure Inside

Nightclub Brochure Outside

Nightclub Brochure Inside

Internet Cafe Brochure Outside

Internet Cafe Brochure Inside

Zoo Brochure Outside

Zoo Brochure Inside

Music Fest Pamphlet Front

Music Fest Pamphlet Back

Candy Shop Pamphlet Front

Candy Shop Pamphlet Back

Speedway Pamphlet Front

Speedway Pamphlet Back

Zoo Pamphlet Front

Zoo Pamphlet Back

Children's Museum Pamphlet Front

Children's Museum Pamphlet Back

Camp Pamphlet Front

Camp Pamphlet Back

Tourist Trap Construction Brochure Inside

Tourist Trap Construction Brochure Outside (Design #1)

Tourist Trap Construction Brochure Outside (Design #2)

Tourist Trap Construction Brochure Outside (Design #3)

Camp Brochure Outside